Monday, February 10, 2014

To this day: rethinking

I think this video can really connect to anyone, the name callers, the people who are name called, the people who feel empty,depressed, suffering drug abuse, or emotional abuse. Watch this i think it was truly inspiring to me.

The quote,"That's Gay."

     This is like a super pet peeve of mine when people say this at school. When they use the word gay to describe something.being gay means your attracted to the same gender,So a thing or an activity can't be gay it can't be a gender unless you're talking to people.

Calling people gay can not be an insult. it just doesn't work because being gay is not bad. I support gay marriage and i actually have a few friends who are gay and i do support them! So when you call me or someone i know gay it is no way insulting, and you look pathetic when you say it. And everyone (or almost everyone) in our school has something against people who are gay. It's the twenty first century people let them live there lives the way they want to live them. It is constantly annoying when i hear people make fun of a certain girl for cutting her hair short. It isn't your hair, its not your looks, if you're not attracted to it so what it isn't your problem. I hate it when someone say anything on anyones body is gay. Nothing on a persons body can truly be gay. It is what they like to wear or there style, not every ones style is the same and it is okay too be different.

      But someday gay marriage will be legal everywhere, and too those people are against, i would save the comments or start getting comfortable with it. It may be written in a book made 100's of years ago but people have the right to make there own choices and follow there own rules. Now if you don't support gay rights i'm okay with that. But in public i really don't want to hear your comments.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

pushing yourself:when too know your limits.

     I was talking with my friend Drew about his hobby and mine, his being pogo sticking, and mine being scootering, since they are kinda relatively the same thing. So anyways we were talking about progression and pushing yourself. I know you're thinking,"Mike where are you taking us with this?" Well what i'm talking about can relate with almost anything anybody does for a hobby, learning that new trick that you always wanted to do, trying new daring things on foods, or just pushing yourself too be a better person. But with some things when is pushing things too far too much?

     I found this out in a painful way last year when i went for a trick that i knew was really hard. I hurt myself badly multiple times trying to do it. Knowing that my friend can do it almost every try, that did motivate me to do it. But my friend is also a lot more skilled and has been scootering far longer then me. So after trying all day, and several painfully aching bones and bruises later. I decided that i will try each time i go and see if i can get it, also taking advice from him which help. It took me over four minutes to actually get the trick down. But even after that and pushing myself slowly i felt really good that i did land it!

     Some people can push themselves more in certain areas of certain things but that is because there body can. Think of it like this, some people are in Advanced math and some people are in basic. Just because your in basic doesn't mean necessairly that the advanced kids are smarter, you just learn at a slower pace then them, which is okay! Because you may also be much faster at picking up certain things then them. So next time you may feel bad that someone knows more then something about you or someone can do more things in a certain hobby then you. Don't feel bad it's okay to learn at your own pace and too know your own limits when it comes to physical activities.

I'll see you guys later,


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

insight to my hobbies.

     I bet you probably read my blog name and wondered, gaming through lives? that's an odd title. I thought lives would just tie in better with the hobbies I enjoy too do. Not only does this connect to Mario, but also what I like to do as a hobby and enjoy too do with my friends. I'm Mike Minton, I'm sixteen years old and I enjoy playing video games. No this isn't my only hobby, I enjoy listening to music and scootering, but video gaming right now is one of my big ones and anyone who knows me knows that I'm very passionate about my gaming.

     But some ponder the question, why play  video games? there a waste of your time and all they do is rot your brain and make you anti social. In my case I don't find this t o be true.  I am an average student in school and comprehend things very well. If its visual I tend to pick it up fast. Just like I do with video games. I don't find myself sitting in my room playing call of duty or fallout and not talking to anyone. I'm usually connected to online via xbox live and t talking to my friends. In fact my closest friends I have become  close with because of video games. That's what I love about them. You can make conversation with any other gamer and usually hit it off quite well sharing ideas or thoughts on that next new game that's coming out soon. And it gives me and a lot of other people a place where they can fit in, where you don't have to be judged upon what you look like ( unless you're camping in halo, no one likes a camper), or where you have been in your life. Video games to me and to others helps relieve stress and give people a sense of accomplishment or just a place to fit in.

     But then again, who knew that my hobby can be judged upon by so many people in this society. I'm not one to judge upon what other people do. My big brother likes to rock climb, do I say that it's dumb and stupid just to climb up a Rockwall or a manmade one? no, I actually think quite opposite and wish I could compel myself to face that fear of height, I envy him that he is passionate about what he loves to do. And my little brother loves to snowboard.  I don't hate that he is on a mountain in -10 degree weather, he enjoys  what he does and t hat he  strives to be good and is actually really good at it! But I just feel that when I play videogames around my family I feel judged.  I know t hat sometimes its inappropriate like  playing It on thanksgiving, but  when I m trying to enjoy  myself with my friends or im at school and I hear comments like, "oh wow mikes playing video games that's  a  shocker", or ,"videogames is a obsession not a hobby," it really brings down my self esteem. Making me feel like I  can't do a nothing but play them.

     I haven't been getting the best grades lately, frankly I know I can try m ore. My mom took m y video game console away cause she thinks It will make me focus on schooling more. When really I just feel like crap cause that's the one way I communicate with my friends, and a way I can enjoy myself at home and feel accomplished knowing I beat a level or won a match. I play to relieve stress and it is a very important thing to me. Someone  tried comparing it to drugs, in no way do I see it being as bad as crack.

     I would just wish that before people judged on playing video games, to at least know where I come from on the stance of playing video games and why I play them.

      I hope you enjoyed reading this and learned some valuable information about me. Also here's a video that I really enjoyed that may open your mind as to why you or someone you know plays videogames.