Monday, June 9, 2014

Don't let this determine the fate.

     School is finally ending, I will be able to enjoy the pleasures of late night gaming with my friends, sleeping in, enjoying the outdoors, and spending more time with my big brother. So odd knowing that you won't see all those faces for three months, some I may be happy not to see, some I might miss.

     It's always stressful when it comes towards the end of the school year. With exams and all, the stress of how you're going to do. But this year, was definitely the most stressful and shocking to me. Just got done with my freakishly long geometry, full of the check, check again, triple check, repeat. During the middle of all this checking and constant pressing of the buttons of the calculator, I'm handed My pre ACT score. We took it in 10th grade so that we could know what to improve on.

     My thoughts on standardized testing are grim. I'm not a fan because it is basically saying that we all need to learn one way, and this is what we need to meet in requirement wise. I only met one requirement on it which was english. Everything else it is basically saying to me that I AM NOT UP TO PAR. When in some areas I feel like I am. But ask yourself, who can do all those algerbra questions in 30 minutes or less, with trying to make sure there right. Its hard, its stressful, its not right. And they don't do a good job at representing or giving the kids a fair chance who aren't good at multiple choice tests. They will start to second guess, start checking, feeling as if all answers are wrong and that maybe they should just bubble in the letter E even though theres no answer for it, hoping that it will magically appear but doesn't. But seeing, how you compare to everybody else sucks. Made me feel a little dumb, Now I didn't do terrible, I got a 16  overall when the highest you couldn't gotten was 32, but still.

     And the backside of that sheet. Oh man, real gem piece we got here. It said what job ranges you should pick from. It said in print, pick from two of the heighlighted jobs to look more into. I think its downright wrong to kinda just place someone into something like that. I think anyone can accurately push themselves if they want to strive for any job they want, no matter how far the reaches might be for them. I feel that these standardized tests, will hold some people back from there hopes and dreams.

     Now these tests are a little nerve racking, but will I let this get to me? No I won't, Yes I worry about the future at times, but I will not let this test, at this moment, hold me back from anything I want to strive to do.

    Sorry I have been lazy on the blogging, now that summer is here I will have much more time to be blogging guys. In case anyone(like at all) reads this. I hope everyone has a good week!